Cernetanu: Police work is less attractive and poorly paid
Currently, police work in Moldova is less attractive and underpaid. The average salary of a police recruit is 7 thousand lei.
The head of the General Police Inspectorate, Viorel Cernețanu, said this in an interview with Ziarul de Gardă newspaper, reports.
“Over time, all those benefits that have been offered or guaranteed to policemen, about free transport, advantageous utilities or other benefits that were the only ones that could be obtained until now, is that policemen who live in the locality receive an allowance for the rent of their living space, an allowance of about 1,800 lei and, of course, only in the locality they use free public transport.
You will only be able to use this uniform free of charge if you are employed. If you don’t honour the term in which you were offered the uniform, you are released early, you have to compensate it”, said Viorel Cerneuțianu.
In 2017, there was one MAI officer for every 223 people in Moldova.
Head of ISU mr. Cerneutanu should have outlined the cause-and-effect relationship that explains the current situation. Where is the starting point from which the prestige of service in the MIA went downwards? Why in the whole law-enforcement system the Ministry of Internal Affairs was at the very end? Why do all public reports, their results, include the Prosecutor’s Office, NCBC, SIS and practically nothing about the results of the fight against crime of the MIA? What should be done to put the MIA back on the agenda? And it would be necessary for the MIA leadership to realise that the low pay of employees is directly proportional to their importance in the State Administration today. Do the MIA leadership and the ISU have answers to the questions outlined above and are they capable of solving them, do they know the matter that permeates all the activities of the MIA? Without meaningful adjustment by means of introducing the necessary Bills to the Parliament, it is unlikely that anything will change. And it is necessary to start yesterday not from the salaries of employees.