NAC and Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office raid four judges following agreement issued by SCM

CNA and Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office raid four judges following agreement issued by SCM

On 14 November 2023, the Plenum of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) admitted the 4 applications of the Acting Prosecutor General, requesting the issuance of the agreement on conducting criminal prosecution actions against some judges, criminally investigated by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office and the National Anti-Corruption Centre.

In the first case, one of the judges is suspected of passive bribery and influence peddling (Art. 324 (3) (a), 326 (1), 326 (11), 326 (2) (b) of the Criminal Code). Therefore, the Council gave its consent to the initiation of criminal prosecution actions, including the arrest, detention, arrest and search.

For two other judges, who are suspected of complicity in influence peddling (Art. 42 para.(5), art. 326 para.(11), art. 326 para.(2) letter b) of the Criminal Code) and, respectively, trafficking in influence (art. 326 para.(2) letter b) of the Criminal Code), consent was issued for the same prosecution actions.

The last judge involved is suspected of active bribery (Art. 325 (3) (a1) of the Criminal Code), and consent has been issued for the initiation of criminal prosecution, forcible arrest, detention, arrest and search.

After issuing the SCM consent, the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, together with the National Anti-Corruption Centre, carries out searches in judges’ offices, cars and homes.

Criminal investigations are carried out within the limits of criminal procedural law, respecting all rights and freedoms of the persons being prosecuted, ensuring the principle of presumption of innocence, confidentiality of criminal proceedings, respect for privacy and personal data.

We will come back with further details.

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