Gribincea: This year’s forum on justice reform is a turning point for the judicial system of the Republic of Moldova

The event is designed as a transparent and professional discussion platform in order to identify, together with officials and international experts, the best directions and solutions for reforming justice and fighting corruption in Moldova, quoted as saying.

The RYBC Forum will bring together key actors from the justice sector, the political class, civil society and development partners.

During the two days, there will be public debates on the following topics:

European integration and the justice context;
external evaluation of justice and the reform of the Supreme Court of Justice;
investigation of grand corruption;
effective punishment of corruption.
“This year’s edition is a turning point for the judicial system of the Republic of Moldova. The status of an EU candidate country, the external evaluation of justice and the promised anti-corruption reforms are ideal ingredients for the debate at the RYBC Forum to be particularly coherent and necessary for the success of the reforms,” said Vladislav Gribincea, President of the CPRM.

All interested parties are welcome to participate by connecting through the Zoom platform or by watching the event on online broadcast platforms.

With such an annual forum and the resources involved, it would be very useful for next year’s conference to have an overview analytical note on the use of the conclusions and recommendations of the previous discussion in law enforcement and the judiciary. Regarding the investigation of major corruption, there is almost no information in the public space.
In 2021 especially, and in 2022 there were many public statements made by Parliamentarians and high-ranking officials about criminal schemes committed earlier, large-scale embezzlement in various forms, abuse of official powers by officials, much was said about criminal activities in the Prosecutor’s Office, the Judiciary …. What are the results to date, what information does our society have, how is the principle of INEVITABILITY of punishment implemented in practice? We know very little about it.
If there is no effective Control and Demand, there is no result. Today the main agenda of the political day is declared – fully coinciding with the last Conference. In a democratic society it is necessary to have at least a monthly report of the Prosecutor General on the progress of the investigation, in the form of extended Press Conferences to which journalists, public, politicians are invited …. Month by month, the movement of cases and the timeframe for the completion of the preliminary investigation and the referral of cases to the Court will be clearly visible. П
Since the Prosecutor General has been taken out of the active function by the created structural competence in the Prosecutor’s Office, the Prosecutor for Anti-Corruption and the Prosecutor for Combating Organised Crime should report to the Prosecutor General. This is not the only toolkit, but it is very effective, because it will be difficult to report on nothing month after month. It is not clear why the authorities do not demand it, and the Professional Legal Community is absolutely without any public initiative?

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