Representatives of UN Agencies reconfirmed support for the development of the home affairs system

In the framework of the broad collaboration between the Moldovan internal affairs system and the United Nations, Minister Adrian Efros discussed with the representatives of the UN agencies the progress made in terms of assistance projects in the field, as well as the priorities for future cooperation.

In particular, topics such as preventing and combating domestic violence, accelerating digital transformation in the internal affairs system, strengthening training capacities, promoting a more efficient police service, etc. were discussed. Ongoing projects supported by the UN were reviewed and the dynamics of the results already achieved were evaluated.

For the future, MAI proposes a number of priorities to be implemented jointly with UN agencies, among which are to increase actions to prevent and combat domestic violence and child abuse, strengthen community and refugee resilience to crises, strengthen police training capacities, address emerging threats related to human trafficking in Moldova, etc.

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