A lawyer was detained by the NAC in an influence peddling case. He allegedly claimed the sum of 6000 euros to influence the decision on a criminal case

A lawyer was detained by officers of the National Anticorruption Center and anti-corruption prosecutors in a case in which he is suspected of influence peddling. He allegedly claimed and received the sum of 6,000 euros from a citizen of the Republic of Moldova, in exchange for influencing a decision in the case in which his client was accused of attempted drug smuggling.

According to the whistleblower, the lawyer would have informed him that he would have influence over the criminal investigation officer of the Customs Service and other public officials, whom he could induce to adopt a favorable solution on the facts investigated regarding the whistleblower regarding the criminal case in which he was suspected of attempted drug smuggling. The criminal case was under the management of the criminal prosecution body within the Customs Service.

To accumulate the necessary evidence, the NAC officers carried out searches of the homes of the three persons investigated in the criminal case, including the searches of the office of the criminal investigation officer of the Customs Service.

The lawyer was detained for 72 hours, and the criminal investigation officer from the CS and the investigation officer from the NII are being investigated at large.

The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office is conducting the criminal investigation.

We remind, that every person accused of committing a crime is presumed innocent as long as his guilt is not proven by a court decision of final conviction.

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