The Ministry of Justice discussed evidence-based and human rights-oriented drug policies
Today, the Ministry of Justice received a delegation from the Commission on Drug Policy in Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia (ECECACD). During the meeting, they discussed the fight against drugs and the principles that should guide states in developing policies in this area.
The members of the commission praised the efforts of the national authorities to promote a comprehensive anti-drug policy. In particular, the changes proposed by the Ministry of Justice to the Penal Code and the Code of Misdemeanours were welcomed, as were the good practices introduced in the prison system. Thus, the Commission members recommended that public health, human rights, and harmonisation with the sustainable development and European integration agenda should be prioritised.
In this context, the Commission is guided by and recommends 8 fundamental principles that aim to humanise drug policy. The Commission members also noted that an integrated and multidisciplinary approach is necessary for the successful implementation of the policy.
State Secretary Eduard Serbenko, who was present at the event, noted that the Ministry of Justice is making every effort to harmonise the national legislation with the Community acquis.
State Secretary Nadejda Burciu highlighted three aspects: (i) the need for continuous intervention with convicts after their release from prison and transfer to probation, (ii) providing the National Probation Inspectorate with resources and capacities to address the increasing number of subjects facing drug addiction, (ii) the importance of co-operation with the academic environment to measure the prevalence of drug use in prisons through evidence-based methods, as well as the role of information and awareness-raising.
The intention of the MoJ to introduce the therapeutic community model in a number of penitentiaries was highlighted, as well as the fact that the draft amendments to the legislation regarding the creation of a progressive and individualised system for the execution of sentences for criminals.
Following the meetings, the commission presented urgent recommendations to be implemented and is open for support, especially in the context of the European integration process.
The working meeting was attended by the leadership of the National Probation Inspectorate (INP) and the National Penitentiary Administration (ANP).