Some of the results of the INSP since the entry into force of the new provisions on fines

The General Inspectorate of Police informs that until the entry into force of the new amendments to the Contravention Code, the authority empowered to remove offenders from driving was the court.

Thus, during 2022, the police officers of the National Inspectorate of Public Security have filed 735 cases of traffic tickets, and as a result of drivers accumulating 15 penalty points, the courts have issued 100 decisions on ,,deprivation of the special right to drive vehicles”.

The term of deprivation, according to the Contravention Code, is from 6 months to 3 years.

Following the amendments to the Contravention Code of the Republic of Moldova and to the Law on Road Traffic Safety, No. 131/2007, a new additional sanction, namely “suspension of the exercise of the special right to drive vehicles”, was introduced on 6 July 2007.

Suspension of the exercise of the special right to drive vehicles consists in the temporary prohibition of the person to drive vehicles, including the withdrawal of the driving licence.

According to the law, the driver of a vehicle found guilty of committing an offence is subject to a number of penalty points as an additional penalty when the main penalty is imposed.

If after the application of the basic penalty the driver accumulates 15 penalty points, the official is entitled to propose the suspension of the exercise of the special right to drive for a period of 30 to 180 days as an additional penalty.

Thus, since 6 July, with the entry into force of the new amendments, patrol inspectors have issued 107 decisions to apply the complementary sanction “suspension of the exercise of the special right to drive vehicles” following the accumulation of penalty points, and 56 driving licences have been withdrawn.

At the same time, police officers registered 43 cases of suspension of the right to drive vehicles and revoked 29 driving licences for exceeding the speed limit.

We reiterate the obligation of traffic participants to comply with the provisions of the Road Traffic Regulation to increase road safety and prevent tragedies.

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