Cu grijă față de copiii angajaților #MAICaring for employees’ children #MAICu grijă față de copiii angajaților #MAI

Today, August 7, the MAI Recreation and Rehabilitation Center in Vadul lui Voda kicked off the second round of the summer camp program.

Over the next 10 days, more than 70 children of the employees of the internal affairs system, aged between 7 and 14, will be involved in various cultural, artistic, sports and educational activities. Through recreational and creative rest, the summer camp is aimed at strengthening the children’s health, advancing their knowledge in a dynamic way and actively participating in social life with their peers.

Please note that MAI employees and pensioners are exempted from 50% of the cost of the ticket for a child’s rest for 10 days. The ticket is also offered free of charge to children who have lost a parent, children of employees who have died in the line of duty, children from families with three or more children up to the age of 14, children from families with at least one member classified as disabled, children whose families have hosted refugees from Ukraine and children of war veterans among former employees of the Ministry.

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