ARBI of CNA: Assets worth about 1.8 million lei were seized and 11 million lei were deposited in treasury accounts

Assets worth about 1.8 million lei were seized by the NAC’s Criminal Asset Recovery Agency (ARBI) on the basis of delegations from prosecutors last week. These include 2 building plots and 2 residential buildings seized in a money laundering and fraud case. Last week, 11 million lei were deposited in the agency’s treasury accounts. At the moment, ARBI has 113 delegations under examination in 81 criminal cases involving 173 subjects.

The Directorate-General for Operational Insurance also carried out four forensic surveys, including three forensic surveys and a property valuation, with a further 57 surveys in progress. Prosecution officers opened 2 criminal cases and proposed 1 criminal case for referral. At the moment, the NAC’s prosecution service is handling 382 cases.

The Legislation Directorate has received 40 draft legislative acts for expertise and has submitted 15 expert reports and 11 opinions to the authors. At the moment, work is in progress on 56 materials received from the authorities.

The Analytical Directorate has carried out 5 operational reviews, 83 other studies are in the pipeline and the Directorate for Professional Integrity Testing has issued 140 integrity records.

The Anti-Corruption Education Directorate carried out an information and awareness-raising activity on the risks and consequences of involvement in corruption for 30 young people.

The national anti-corruption hotline received 26 calls. At the same time, 1215 materials were registered in the Centre’s chancellery.

There are 2 persons in prisons, arrested in NAC cases, and one person was placed in the isolation centre.

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